
This library provides primitives for operating on u8vectors as well as some utility functions.

To use the bindings from this module:

(import :std/misc/bytes)


(endianness big|little|native) -> endianness symbol

(def big 'big)
(def little 'little)
(def native 'native)
(def native-endianness ...)

Specifies the endianness for integer and floating point operations on u8vectors.

The supported endianness can be big, little, or native; native-endianness is bound at runtime to the native architecture endianness.


(u8vector-s8-ref v i) -> int

  v := u8vector
  i := integer; offset index in v

Retrieves the signed byte from v in position i, decoding from a 2's complement representation.


(u8vector-s8-set! v i n) -> unspecified

  v := u8vector
  i := integer; offset index in v
  n := signed byte

Sets the signed byte in v at position i from the value n, encoding to 2's complement representation.


(u8vector-uint-ref v i endianness size) -> exact nonnegative integer

  v          := u8vector
  i          := integer; offset index in v
  endianness := endianness symbol; the endianness of the binary representation of the integer
  size       := integer; the size of the integer in bytes

Retrieves an unsigned integer from its binary representation from v, starting at index i.


(u8vector-uint-set! v i n endianness size) -> unspecified

  v          := u8vector
  i          := integer; offset index in v
  n          := exact nonnegative integer; the value to set
  endianness := endianness symbol; the endianness of the binary representation of the integer
  size       := integer; the size of the integer in bytes

Encodes the unsigned integer n in its binary representation in v, starting at offset i.


(u8vector-sint-ref v i endianness size) -> exact integer

  v          := u8vector
  i          := integer; offset index in v
  endianness := endianness symbol; the endianness of the binary representation of the integer
  size       := integer; the size of the integer in bytes

Retrieves a signed integer from its binary representation from v, starting at index i.


(u8vector-sint-set! v i n endianness size) -> unspecified

  v          := u8vector
  i          := integer; offset index in v
  n          := exact integer; the value to set
  endianness := endianness symbol; the endianness of the binary representation of the integer
  size       := integer; the size of the integer in bytes

Encodes the signed integer n in its binary representation in v, starting at offset i.


(u8vector->uint-list v endianness size) -> list of exact nonnegative integers

  v          := u8vector
  endianness := endianness symbol; the endianness of the binary representation of each integer
  size       := integer; the size of each integer in bytes

Decodes a u8vector v into a list of exact nonnegative integers.


(uint-list->u8vector lst endianness size) -> u8vcetor

  lst        := list of exact nonnegative integers
  endianness := endianness symbol; the endianness of the binary representation of each integer
  size       := integer; the size of each integer in bytes

Encodes a list of unsigned integers to a u8vector.


(u8vector->sint-list v endianness size) -> list of exact integers

  v          := u8vector
  endianness := endianness symbol; the endianness of the binary representation of each integer
  size       := integer; the size of each integer in bytes

Decodes a u8vector v into a list of exact integers.


(uint-list->u8vector lst endianness size) -> u8vector

  lst        := list of exact integers
  endianness := endianness symbol; the endianness of the binary representation of each integer
  size       := integer; the size of each integer in bytes

Encodes a list of signed integers to a u8vector.

Operations on Machine-size Integers

(u8vector-u16-ref v i endianness) -> u16
(u8vector-u16-native-ref v i) -> u16
(u8vector-u16-ref-set! v i n endianness) -> unspecified
(u8vector-u16-native-set! v i n) -> unspecified

(u8vector-s16-ref v i endianness) -> s16
(u8vector-s16-native-ref v i) -> s16
(u8vector-s16-ref-set! v i n endianness) -> unspecified
(u8vector-s16-native-set! v i n) -> unspecified

(u8vector-u32-ref v i endianness) -> u32
(u8vector-u32-native-ref v i) -> u32
(u8vector-u32-ref-set! v i n endianness) -> unspecified
(u8vector-u32-native-set! v i n) -> unspecified

(u8vector-s32-ref v i endianness) -> s32
(u8vector-s32-native-ref v i) -> s32
(u8vector-s32-ref-set! v i n endianness) -> unspecified
(u8vector-s32-native-set! v i n) -> unspecified

(u8vector-u64-ref v i endianness) -> u64
(u8vector-u64-native-ref v i) -> u64
(u8vector-u64-ref-set! v i n endianness) -> unspecified
(u8vector-u64-native-set! v i n) -> unspecified

(u8vector-s64-ref v i endianness) -> s64
(u8vector-s64-native-ref v i) -> s64
(u8vector-s64-ref-set! v i n endianness) -> unspecified
(u8vector-s64-native-set! v i n) -> unspecified

Operations for encoding and decoding machine-sized integers. When the endianness matches the native endianness, then a faster native implementation is used.

Operations on Floating Point Numbers

(u8vector-float-ref v i endianness) -> flonum
(u8vector-float-native-ref v i) -> flonum
(u8vector-float-set! v i x endianness) -> unspecified
(u8vector-float-native-set! v i x) -> unspecified

(u8vector-double-ref v i endianness) -> flonum
(u8vector-double-native-ref v i) -> flonum
(u8vector-double-set! v i x endianness) -> unspecified
(u8vector-double-native-set! v i x) -> unspecified

Operations for encoding and decoding floating point numbers using the IEEE-754 representation.


(u8vector-swap! v i j) -> unspecified

  v := u8vector
  i := integer element position
  j := integer element position

Swaps elements i and j of u8vector v.


> (def u (u8vector 1 2))
> (u8vector-swap! u 0 1)
> u
#u8(2 1)


(u8vector-reverse! v) -> void

  v := u8vector

Reverses the elements of u8vector v in-place. Mutates the vector.


> (def u (u8vector 1 2 3 4 5))
> (u8vector-reverse! u)
> u
#u8(5 4 3 2 1)


(u8vector-reverse v) -> u8vector

  v := u8vector

Reverses the elements of u8vector v. Produces a new u8vector.


> (def u (u8vector 1 2 3 4 5))
> (u8vector-reverse u)
#u8(5 4 3 2 1)


(u8vector->bytestring v (delim #\space)) -> bytestring

  v     := u8vector
  delim := char

Constructs a string of bytes in hexadecimal from u8vector v.

Each byte is formatted as two uppercase hex characters and separated using the specified delimiter character; the delimiter can be #f to specify simple concatenation.


> (u8vector->bytestring (u8vector 255 127 11 1 0))
"FF 7F 0B 01 00"
> (displayln (u8vector->bytestring (u8vector 255 127 11 1 0)))
FF 7F 0B 01 00
> (u8vector->bytestring (u8vector 1 2 3) #f)


(bytestring->u8vector bs (delim #\space)) -> u8vector

  bs    := bytestring
  delim := char

Constructs a u8vector from bytestring bs.

This function expects a string of bytes delimited by delim, which can be #f to indicate no delimiter. Each byte consists of two hexadecimal characters.


> (bytestring->u8vector "FF AB 00")
#u8(255 171 0)
> (u8vector->bytestring (bytestring->u8vector "FF AB 00"))
"FF AB 00"
> (string->bytes "FF AB 00")
#u8(70 70 32 65 66 32 48 48)


(u8vector->uint v (endianness big)) -> uint

  v          := u8vector
  endianness := endianness symbol

Decodes a u8vector as an unsigned integer.


(uint->u8vector n (endianness big)) -> u8vector

  n          := exact nonnegative integer
  endianness := endianness symbol

Encodes an unsigned integer to its binary representation.


> (u8vector->uint #u8(0 1))
> (u8vector->uint (make-u8vector 2 #xFF))
> (u8vector->uint (make-u8vector 8 #xFF))
> (equal? (- (expt 2 64) 1) (u8vector->uint (make-u8vector 8 #xFF)))


The following aliases are defined, using the canonical Scheme naming of u8vectors as bytevectors.

(defalias bytevector-u8-ref u8vector-ref)
(defalias bytevector-u8-set! u8vector-set!)
(defalias bytevector-s8-ref u8vector-s8-ref)
(defalias bytevector-s8-set! u8vector-s8-set!)

(defalias bytevector-uint-ref u8vector-uint-ref)
(defalias bytevector-uint-set! u8vector-uint-set!)
(defalias bytevector-sint-ref u8vector-sint-ref)
(defalias bytevector-sint-set! u8vector-sint-set!)

(defalias bytevector->uint-list u8vector->uint-list)
(defalias bytevector->sint-list u8vector->sint-list)
(defalias uint-list->bytevector uint-list->u8vector)
(defalias sint-list->bytevector sint-list->u8vector)

(defalias bytevector-u16-ref u8vector-u16-ref)
(defalias bytevector-u16-native-ref u8vector-u16-native-ref)
(defalias bytevector-u16-set! u8vector-u16-set!)
(defalias bytevector-u16-native-set! u8vector-u16-native-set!)

(defalias bytevector-s16-ref u8vector-s16-ref)
(defalias bytevector-s16-native-ref u8vector-s16-native-ref)
(defalias bytevector-s16-set! u8vector-s16-set!)
(defalias bytevector-s16-native-set! u8vector-s16-native-set!)

(defalias bytevector-u32-ref u8vector-u32-ref)
(defalias bytevector-u32-native-ref u8vector-u32-native-ref)
(defalias bytevector-u32-set! u8vector-u32-set!)
(defalias bytevector-u32-native-set! u8vector-u32-native-set!)

(defalias bytevector-s32-ref u8vector-s32-ref)
(defalias bytevector-s32-native-ref u8vector-s32-native-ref)
(defalias bytevector-s32-set! u8vector-s32-set!)
(defalias bytevector-s32-native-set! u8vector-s32-native-set!)

(defalias bytevector-u64-ref u8vector-u64-ref)
(defalias bytevector-u64-native-ref u8vector-u64-native-ref)
(defalias bytevector-u64-set! u8vector-u64-set!)
(defalias bytevector-u64-native-set! u8vector-u64-native-set!)

(defalias bytevector-s64-ref u8vector-s64-ref)
(defalias bytevector-s64-native-ref u8vector-s64-native-ref)
(defalias bytevector-s64-set! u8vector-s64-set!)
(defalias bytevector-s64-native-set! u8vector-s64-native-set!)

(defalias bytevector-ieee-single-ref u8vector-float-ref)
(defalias bytevector-ieee-single-set! u8vector-float-set!)
(defalias bytevector-ieee-single-native-ref u8vector-float-native-ref)
(defalias bytevector-ieee-single-native-set! u8vector-float-native-set!)

(defalias bytevector-ieee-double-ref u8vector-double-ref)
(defalias bytevector-ieee-double-set! u8vector-double-set!)
(defalias bytevector-ieee-double-native-ref u8vector-double-native-ref)
(defalias bytevector-ieee-double-native-set! u8vector-double-native-set!)

(defalias bytevector-swap! u8vector-swap!)
(defalias bytevector-reverse! u8vector-reverse!)
(defalias bytevector-reverse u8vector-reverse)
(defalias bytevector->bytestring u8vector->bytestring)
(defalias bytestring->bytevector bytestring->u8vector)
(defalias bytevector->uint u8vector->uint)
(defalias uint->bytevector uint->u8vector)

Low Level Unsafe Operations

The following low level unsafe operations are also exported.

(&u8vector-s8-ref v i) -> s8
(&u8vector-s8-set! v i n) -> unspecified

(&u8vector-uint-ref/be v i size) -> uint
(&u8vector-uint-ref/le v i size) -> uint
(&u8vector-uint-set!/be v i n size) -> unspecified
(&u8vector-uint-set!/le v i n size) -> unspecified

(&u8vector-sint-ref/be v i size) -> sint
(&u8vector-sint-ref/le v i size) -> sint
(&u8vector-sint-set!/be v i n size) -> unspecified
(&u8vector-sint-set!/le v i n size) -> unspecified

(&u8vector-u16-ref/native v i) -> u16
(&u8vector-u16-set!/native v i n) -> unspecified
(&u8vector-s16-ref/native v i) -> s16
(&u8vector-s16-set!/native v i n) -> unspecified

(&u8vector-u32-ref/native v i) -> u32
(&u8vector-u32-set!/native v i n) -> unspecified
(&u8vector-s32-ref/native v i) -> s32
(&u8vector-s32-set!/native v i n) -> unspecified

(&u8vector-u64-ref/native v i) -> u64
(&u8vector-u64-set!/native v i n) -> unspecified
(&u8vector-s64-ref/native v i) -> s64
(&u8vector-s64-set!/native v i n) -> unspecified

(&u8vector-float-ref/native v i) -> flonum
(&u8vector-float-set!/native v i x) -> unspecified
(&u8vector-double-ref/native v i) -> flonum
(&u8vector-double-set!/native v i x) -> unspecified

(&u8vector-swap! v i j) -> unspecified

u8vector-init!, bytevector-init!

(u8vector-init! len fun) -> u8vector

u8vector-init! is take a non-negative fixnum len and a one-argument function fun and creates a new u8vector of length len where each element is initialized in increasing index order with the result of calling fun with the index as argument (starting with 0, assuming len is positive).


> (u8vector-init! 5 (lambda (x) (* x x)))
#u8(0 1 4 9 16)


(u8vector-every pred? u8vector) -> bool

Return true if every element of the given u8vector satisfies the unary predicate pred?.


> (u8vector-every odd? #u8(1 3 5))
> (u8vector-every odd? #u8(1 2 3))


(n-bits->n-u8 n) -> integer

Given a number n of bits, return the number N of 8-bit bytes necessary to store those n bits, i.e. N = (ceiling-align n-bits 8).


> (map (lambda (x) (list x (n-bits->n-u8 x))) '(0 1 2 7 8 9 16 21 63 100 1000))
((0 0) (1 1) (2 1) (7 1) (8 1) (9 2) (16 2) (21 3) (63 8) (100 13) (1000 125))


(nat-length-in-u8 n) -> integer

Given a natural number n (non-negative, "unsigned"), return the number of 8-bit bytes necessary to store all the bits of n.


> (map (lambda (x) (list x (nat-length-in-u8 x))) '(0 42 127 128 255 256 65535 65536))
((0 0) (42 1) (127 1) (128 1) (255 1) (256 2) (65535 2) (65536 3))


(nat->u8vector n [length] [endianness]) -> u8vector

Given a natural number n (non-negative, "unsigned"), a length (which defaults to the minimal length required to store all the bits of n), and an endianness (which defaults to big), return a u8vector of given length which stores the bits of n in the given endianness.


> (nat->u8vector 66051)
#u8(1 2 3)
> (nat->u8vector 66051 4 little)
#u8(3 2 1 0)


(u8vector->nat u8vector [length] [endianness]) -> integer

Given a u8vector, a length no greater than that of the vector, and an endianness (defaults to big), decode the first length bytes of u8vector using the given endianness into a natural number (non-negative, "unsigned"). Assuming the length and endianness match and the number fits in the length, this is the inverse operation of nat->u8vector.


> (u8vector->nat #u8(1 2 3))
> (u8vector->nat #u8(3 2 1 0) 4 little)


(integer-length-in-u8 n) -> integer

Given a natural number n (non-negative, "unsigned"), return the number of 8-bit bytes necessary to store all the bits of n.


> (map (lambda (x) (list x (integer-length-in-u8 x))) '(0 42 127 128 255 256 65535 65536))
((0 0) (42 1) (127 1) (128 1) (255 1) (256 2) (65535 2) (65536 3))


(integer->u8vector n [length] [endianness]) -> u8vector

Given a relative integer n (possibly negative, "signed"), a length (which defaults to the minimal length required to store all the bits of n), and an endianness (which defaults to big), return a u8vector of given length which stores the bits of n in the given endianness.


> (integer->u8vector 66051)
#u8(1 2 3)
> (integer->u8vector -255)
#u8(255 1)
> (integer->u8vector 66051 4 little)
#u8(3 2 1 0)
> (integer->u8vector -66051 4 little)
#u8(253 253 254 255)


(u8vector->integer u8vector [length] [endianness]) -> integer

Given a u8vector, a length no greater than that of the vector, and an endianness (defaults to big), decode the first length bytes of u8vector using the given endianness into a natural number (non-negative, "unsigned"). Assuming the length and endianness match and the number fits in the length, this is the inverse operation of integer->u8vector.


> (u8vector->integer #u8(1 2 3))
> (u8vector->integer #u8(255 1))
> (u8vector->integer #u8(3 2 1 0) 4 little)
> (u8vector->integer #u8(253 253 254 255) 4 little)